
Crows and Cornfields

Van Gogh
If one were to base this picture off of imitation it would be a poor piece. Though things are recognizable it isn't exactly very realistic, the crows especially, since they are very cartoon-like and far from lifelike. Also the colors and the way it's painted also disillusioned the painting, the heavy paint strokes and the off coloring of the piece making it seem even less realistic.
With formalism this is a great piece. The dark blues of the sky along with the crows, balance out the brightly colored wheat and pale blues of the sky. The piece is intense, and unified, keeping your eye inside the painting and leading your eyes around, the composition of it is done well.
The feel of this painting is surreal. It's simple and whimsical, sparking a question of why he painted it. The dark and light of the sky keep the piece looking calm, and the bright yellow of the wheat give it energy. It's a well done piece emotionally.