
Compostion Photos

This photo shows linear perspective and depth perception. Depth perception because there is a distance between the closet object to you and to the farthest object (i.e. the door). Linear perspective is shown by the straight angle of the photo.
This shows linear perspective by the football players being in a line, as well as the yard lines on the field. The yard lines also angle your eyes down, giving it depth perception. It's also a bit of an action shot, showing the players in movement.
As well as the other photo, this picture shows linear perspective as well as depth perception. Everything in this photo leads your eyes from the floor to the door.

Compostion Sites

This site shows you 10 of the most common composition rules, showing you examples and giving definitions of the rules and explaining how it effects the quality of your photo.

On this site, it shows you more of the elements of composition, except in more depth. It has a master list that shows pictures and gives you the beginning of the explanation of the rule, and then you can go to a more in-depth post.


Color and B/W version
In CyberARTS we were assigned to make a logo based off our name and it's meaning. From my name I came up with a bow with a flaming candle instead of an arrow, resting over a circle with my name over it.
The from the meanings of my name I got; magic, honesty and enlightenment, from there I narrowed it down to things that clicked with me and things that would be easy to  convert in to a logo. I searched more into my name and ended out choosing; candles, archers and radiance.
I came up with multiple ideas, basing my focal point on candles, archers and radiance.  From there I made thumbnails of bows and arrows, as well as candles, in the end I settled with the idea of a bow and with a flaming candle as the arrow.
For color I used a vibrant blue because it stood for wisdom, femininity and power, it radiates this candy apple red of sorts because not only did it look good with the blue, it balanced in out in  meaning, it's meaning being masculinity, calmness and strength. I used a mix of gritty and clean lines to show edge and stability. My name is jagged and drags out, they are meant to look edgy. I used a circle to show radiance, it going out from the candlelight.
Using the pen tool was best in this project, I used it for all parts - excluding my name and the circle - it was easier to create shape using it. Transferring the sketches to the computer was quite simple, trying a lot of different methods to go for the look I want.
I like my logo, the finished product is good to look at and clean. If I had a longer amount of time, I would have worked more on the name and tried to get it to tie in more with the design of my logo. You have to think about sizing when it comes to logos, how it will look on a smaller scale and  how it will look on a larger scale, trying to make it look similar and appealing in all sizes. Next in AI, I have started to work on making a b/w tracing of a photo of a band in honor of their concert I am attending.

Grid Drawing

Third Class Carriage - Daumier

Mona Lisa - Da Vinci

Crows and Cornfields

Van Gogh
If one were to base this picture off of imitation it would be a poor piece. Though things are recognizable it isn't exactly very realistic, the crows especially, since they are very cartoon-like and far from lifelike. Also the colors and the way it's painted also disillusioned the painting, the heavy paint strokes and the off coloring of the piece making it seem even less realistic.
With formalism this is a great piece. The dark blues of the sky along with the crows, balance out the brightly colored wheat and pale blues of the sky. The piece is intense, and unified, keeping your eye inside the painting and leading your eyes around, the composition of it is done well.
The feel of this painting is surreal. It's simple and whimsical, sparking a question of why he painted it. The dark and light of the sky keep the piece looking calm, and the bright yellow of the wheat give it energy. It's a well done piece emotionally.