
Sheridan Bachelor of Video Games - Infographic

For Sheridan's Bachelor of Video Games I tried to show the pathways by using a video game platformer, beginning to end. I represented all of the aspects of the pathway through small images that were explained by text beside it. I tried to use non vibrant colors for most things of the platforms to try and make the info pop, but I added shading onto them to make sure they weren't boring. 
I choose this career because of my love of video games and my interest in the field, even though my choice of the field is more defined into the concept art, I represented the grand scheme of things. I represented this in the first bubble, like seeing if one would continue on in a game with the pre-set choices they have made. 
Using the tablet and scanning in the artwork, I composed this through sketching it out over top of my original design and coloring it in. I used a lot of masks to try and keep it in line of the shading and spent a lot of time viewing other platformers to get color inspiration. I did the background in layers, starting from the topmost layer down to create this sunset feeling and overlayed it with a yellow but made the opacity very light.
This infographic I really liked, I wish I have used a legend and tried out a type for the my design rather than hand wrote it. Also if I had more time I would've tried to clean up the edges of my work and tried to create more interest as well as more realism. I was really inspired by the board game style infographics I saw all over the internet.