

So we were to do a website portfolio and here's mine. 
Using I made a portfolio, showing off my work in a neat and clean fashion. In my portfolio I included two drawing pieces from my visual arts class and about four pieces from the tech class, as well as my kinetic typography
My drawing pieces were chosen because, the Skull Drawing and the Chess Piece drawing were my favourites in the two years I have been in CyberARTS, as for the tech pieces, they were all things I was really proud of that were done in class, all but one of the pieces I made in year 2. The 'Stand In The Rain' photoshop piece was something I made in year one for a tutorial assignment we were supposed to do, it was my favourite piece of that year. I also included my kinetic typography which was my favourite flash and piece of the course, I worked really hard on it and I just enjoyed it a lot.
I enjoyed the simplicity of my portfolio but the little fun galleries is something I really enjoyed, I liked to be able to have that little pop element in such a simple portfolio. I doubt I would've changed much in my portfolio other than add some color since the portfolio in dominantly black and white.
My biggest issue - and it still is an issue - is getting my video up, I've been constantly attempting to get it uploaded on to youtube and I've tried other hosters but to no avail. Hopefully I'll have it up soon.

Kinetic Typography Writeup

I made this Kinetic Typography using Flash CS4, and I made it to the song Candlelight by Relient K.
 For this video, I gave it no real structure, I just wanted to be flowly and fun, like the song itself. So I choose to go random with what I did with the changing of words and adding of words. Though you'll notice that some of the transitions are matching, which was purposeful. I wanted to have a little bit of repetition in the way the words flowed in and out to kinda divide certain parts in the song.
My favorite parts of the typography was the beginning, which has a lot of little fun elements, like the 'Love' part and 'I'm going undercover' those parts just looked very good and I'm really proud of them. I also really loved the chorus when it's all quick paced, I really like my timing, I worked hard to make everything be on time in this. Things I would've done differently was that there was small little glitches I would've cleaned up as well as I would've tried a little more creative transitions, and I would love to have finished the actual song.
Design wise, I didn't really push for anything. I picked a bright yellow background and a light blue to keep everything looking bright and lively. One thing I was very adamant on was a non-serif font, I didn't want for any serifs because I thought it would make my typography look too serious where as a non-serif font would be more fun and playful.
 The work was really difficult doing, this I didn't realize how hard it would be to make everything look good and fit the vision I wanted. Other than that, timing would've been my biggest issue because I wanted everything to be on time to a T and it caused me a lot of problems trying to do that.
I'm really happy with the way this turned out, everything about it gives me satisfaction, I don't know what was really successful, I just enjoyed it.