
Amazing Inside - Statment

For the design of the poster I wanted to give this group feeling also use a common image of our school which is circle outside of LCI so I took special (and regular) courses and represented them inside the circles using tools used inside the class - also to represent our love of football I showed it as a message for all sports. By having it branch out from the circle I wanted to give it a feeling of rising above, to represent excellence. I wanted to use bright blues to give it a pop as well as having a orange to contrast, using a light grey to represent our school colors as well as the using orange because it's our amazing inside color. I have darker variants of blue and grey for the background to make the foreground pop more.
I am very pleased the turnout of my designs especially for the flyers. I wish I could've done something more interesting with the background of the poster but I was unable to think of anything. Also I would've made the colors of the technical subjects images more bright.
With the creation of this poster I had the most problems with the curve of the words along the curve of the circle, also with finding proper colors to match up with each other.